OMG OMG Boy Meets World Season 5 on DVD!!!

Confession time. I follow Boy Meets World on Facebook (yes, they do have a Facebook page). Who doesn’t love reliving tender moments between Topanga and Cory?  You could imagine my excitement when I saw the announcement that season 5 was coming out on DVD (she types sarcastically). A few facts…

  1. Boy Meets World had 7 seasons.
  2. Boy Meets World debuted in 1993
  3. Boy Meets World ended in 1999
  4. People who are in High School today were not born yet
  5. To buy season 1-4 new it will cost you $20. Used $10.


Someone explain the DVD ecosystem to me? Why are shows like this wasting time on physical DVDs? Why wouldn’t ABC go down the path of upping the streaming content available on their site? Distribute it to other sites? Negotiate a deal with streaming site? Sell it on iTunes? Someone please show me research in which consumers are asking for physical DVDs of old shows and I will listen, but for now I am not buying that this is a good business decision or want from consumers. They may want and watch the content, but not as a DVD.

Although, I did hear Netflix is looking for content.

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