Three Things I Want From Facebook in 2013

This is the start of a full post or a WIP if you will… I will likely never get around to writing a full post so consider this my simple top three wishlist of things I want from Facebook this year. As a consumer and a marketer I spend way too much time on Facebook and my love/hate is way more love than hate. I just want it to be a better* experience. So here they are…

1.  Facebook to finally implement a way to search walls /posts (if I can’t go back and find the article I know I saw someone post, someone will make it easier…)

2. Figure out iframes (or an alternative) on mobile devices… you mandated iframes, you don’t give brands a way to post different posts to mobile or desktop sites (or target only desktop sites), you have preferred vendors that make a lot of money building tabs, you want brands to share content and build experiences on Facebook. Any person or brand or small business should be able to post a link in an email, tweet, status to drive deep into Facebook and/or a tab without having to caveat it with the awesome language of “if you are viewing this on a mobile device, you can’t. You will be redirected to our Facebook wall with no mention of the fact the content isn’t accessible and you will not get the content you wanted, enter the contest you thought you were entering and in turn think poorly of the person or brand. And the person or community manager will spend time and resources answering questions from confused and pissed off fans”

3. For brands, stop using Facebook status posts to tease a link. Cropped, blurry photos and a “click to see who said it” is terrible. Facebook is a place to engage in content and have conversations not a cheap linking strategy (Cambio / AOL, you’re the worst offender).

Maybe I will get around to writing a full post, what other wishlist items am I missing?

*my definition of better is subjective but I encourage you to challenge me, I am confident my definition of better will stand up in this case.

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