Vote with the facts and your heart Part 2

I posted the original version of this on November 2, 2012. (you can see the proof here)

I have now only removed one line from the paragraph that begins with “Please Vote” – the rest is verbatim the same as what I wrote 4-years ago. What hits me the hardest and hurts that most is that the far right’s & alt right’s agenda is no different this year than it was 4-years ago, it’s just uglier, louder and more violent. This is not the America we are.


I posted a very long status on Facebook. I am also going to post it here. This page needed some love anyway.

My soapbox. My opinions. My breaking every unwritten Facebook rule. My ‘read at your own risk’ disclaimer.

Please vote. Early vote. Vote on Tuesday. It’s your right. When you are voting, please consider all of the issues and go with what you believe. Know there are two supreme court justices possibly chosen. Know in Mitt’s own words, his economic solution (for whatever that is) conveniently won’t see it’s fullest potential for 10 years (and in his best case scenario he won’t be held accountable)… with that in mind, please vote. No matter who you vote for, vote.

If you are a woman, know a woman, have a mom, daughter, sister, girlfriend or wife. Consider them and their rights for equality, the future you believe they deserve. If you make less than $250K a year or know someone who does or know someone that has been down on their luck and deserves a fair shot at getting back on their feet, if you can’t borrow money from your parents. Consider them. If you are old, plan on getting old, have watched someone try to get health care. Know someone with a preexisting condition or have witnessed anyone get sick and then sicker because they can’t afford healthcare. Remember the helpless feelings you witnessed or felt. If you know a solider, were a solider, are a solider, appreciate those that serve and have served, consider them and how you want them treated when they are in battle and when they return home. If you are gay, know someone who is gay or just believe that everyone deserves the same rights financially and in love, consider them. If you aren’t Catholic, know someone who has different religious beliefs or are a Christian that believes in religious freedom and different opinions, consider what happens when mutual respect is displayed. If you are an immigrant, know an immigrant, could be profiled as an immigrant, know someone who could be profiled, consider them. If you care about the climate, want to be able swim in the ocean, desire to provide a clean future for the next generation, consider the facts. If you believe the government and states should help after natural disasters. If you believe in equality, democracy and life outside your own world, if you have empathy and love thy neighbor, if you believe future generations need to be exposed to different beliefs, races, religions and ideas to counterbalance the fear that has become an acceptable alternative to common sense and empathy– vote for the one you believe provides this. Consider all of these things and weigh them against an improving economy and improving job market and then vote. It is your right and your choice. I just hope you vote with the facts and your heart.

Be on the correct side of history. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. And be thankful this only happens every four years.

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